Why the Fountainhead?

The name of the Fountainhead Lodge is derived from the Young and Co.’s public house of the same name that was located in Parchmore Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey

Picture of the Goose and Gridiron pub

Pubs and Freemasonry

The relationship between public houses and the Craft is not unusual as they were long-standing venues for Freemasons to meet.

In fact, 300 years ago, Brothers from four Lodges met in a room at the Goose and Gridiron alehouse in London’s St.Paul’s Churchyard to bring into being the first Grand Lodge in the World. There are now over 200,000 Freemasons belonging to more than 7,000 Lodges throughout England and Wales and Districts overseas and six million Worldwide.


It was not unusual, therefore, for those Freemasons who met on a regular basis in the Fountainhead pub and enjoyed one another’s’ company to raise the prospect of forming a Lodge of their own and, inspired by the dedicated work of W.Bro.Dan Turner, this came about on 29 February 2000 when the new Lodge was Consecrated at the Croydon and District Masonic Centre where it holds its Lodge Meetings.
Picture of the main Temple
Picture of Grand Lodge


Since its formation, Fountainhead Lodge has always been known as a friendly and welcoming one that takes its Meetings very seriously but knows how to have a good time particularly at the dinners that follow each Meeting. Whilst still enjoying a healthy membership, ‘new blood’ is always welcome whether it be from new Initiates to Freemasonry or Joining Members from other Lodges.

Why join?

For anybody considering joining Freemasonry but is unclear as to what it is all about, it is fair to say that we all join with our own reasons for doing so.

For some it is about making new friends and acquaintances whilst for others it is being able to raise money for charity to help deserving causes or making a positive contribution to family and society in general.

For most it is simply an enjoyable hobby without the sinister aspects that conspiracy theorists would have one believe. Yes, there are rituals and ceremonies involved but these will become clearer to the Initiate as they progress through the Craft and they help to enable a member to become a more positive and rounded individual in respect of their personal development and contribution to their everyday life.

The Masonic Charitable Foundation logo

Let us know

Fountainhead Lodge has four Regular Meetings a year all held at the Croydon Masonic Centre which is located within walking distance of West Croydon Bus Station. The Centre also has its own parking facility close by for those wishing to journey there by car. Fountainhead also holds Lodge of Instruction Meetings at the Centre on regular intervals throughout the year when Members can come together to learn and rehearse the Ritual and discuss general matters concerning Freemasonry.

Further details about Fountainhead Lodge including the financial cost involved in being a Member (it is not as much as people often believe) can be obtained by contacting us.

A warm welcome to the Lodge will await you.